Minerva Risk Advisors


For Corporates

Comprehensive Medical Aid Solutions Tailored for Your Organization’s Unique Needs


Minerva Healthcare’s approach involves creating a comprehensive plan for a customisable medical aid scheme. This scheme features tiered coverage options and flexible add-on benefits, catering to diverse healthcare needs and financial situations. By doing so, it enhances employee satisfaction and improves health outcomes for your organisation. 

Tiered Coverage Options

Tiered Coverage Options include three levels:
1. Basic Plan
2. Standard Plan
3. Comprehensive Plan.

Pricing Structure

Pricing Structure offers three payment options:
1. Monthly Premiums
2. Bi-Annual Premiums
3. Annual Premium

Educational Sessions

Workshops will explain coverage options, benefits, and costs, with educational materials, FAQs, and online resources to help employees understand their choices

Add-on Benefits

Add-on benefits include:
1. Funeral Grants
2. Hospital Cash Back

Partner With Providers

We partner with healthcare providers to negotiate agreements for hospitals, specialists, and wellness programs, ensuring access to quality care for our members.

Monitoring and Evaluation

We perform utilization reviews, track health outcomes for program effectiveness, and conduct annual reviews to assess plan performance and satisfaction.